Sunday, October 6, 2019

Situational Analysis and Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Situational Analysis and Discussion - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the company culture that was evidenced, the shareholder could have expressed a greater degree of tact and appreciation for the means by which Mr Majid understood his role within the organization and carefully guarded over any and all sectors he had purview over (Meyer 1998). Although Mr Majid’s response to the new employee’s job function and tactics was overstated and outright narrow-minded, the fact of the matter was that Mr Majid was still a more senior shareholder at the firm and as such commanded a modicum of deference with regards to the means by which the new employee sought to present the changes he had been tasked with to him. Secondly, and perhaps just as important, the student could have utilized the data in a more effective manner. As a function of the study that was being undertaken and the level of valuable customer service data that was being gleaned by the student and his six employees, management could have been effectively brief ed with this information and possibly convinced of its overall importance with respect to increasing profitability within the firm. Instead, the shareholder became somewhat, reasonably, combative with regards to the way in which Mr Majid felt regarding the ongoing efforts in which the student was engaged. Instead, the situation rapidly escalated with Mr Masjid coming to the conclusion that the student was of little value in his current role and the student coming to the conclusion that Mr Masjid, although having worked at the firm for a number of years... Masjid, although having worked at the firm for a number of years understood little with regards to how proper management should be effected. Finally, the reader can come away with an understanding of how proper protocol was followed on the part of the student with relation to how he ultimately went to the Human Resources director as a means of seeking to mediate the ongoing dispute between himself and Mr. Masjid. Although it is tempting in many situations to escalate on one’s own terms, knowing when to turn aside and seek to expert counsel of a third party that can hope to mediate the crisis is an invaluable skill that usually takes people many years to develop. However, as the case proved, once the initial run-in with Mr. Masjid occurred, the student was quick to seek out the expert guidance and counsel of the Human Resources director in an effort to ameliorate the situation (Sharpe, 2012). Consulting Questions and Recommendations: In order to provide some useful prioritizati ons to the student with regards to what a good course of action could have been to pursue within the given situation which has been defined, it is the belief of this reviewer that such a level of recommended actions can be summed up in the following: providing metricized understandings of the scope and benefits of the project to Mr. Masjid and fellow management rather than coming to a disagreement over the value of the work performed, the shareholder could have integrated with Mr. Masjid in a more respectful manner, and/or the shareholder could have sought to make it apparent that he was operating on the express wishes of the manager that had gone on vacation. Although the situation may not have turned

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